Monday 28 July 2014

Winter Garden

It’s been the coolest winter since I have been growing veggies in the Hunter.

English Spinach
What the cooler weather brings is a great harvest of the winter veggies.  I have been harvesting for a couple of months now the best looking English Spinach I have tasted.  It is dark green, crisp and looks really lush.

I am also cropping Spring Onions, Cabbages, Snow and Snap Peas, Rocket, Coriander, Parsley, Radishes, and a couple of types of Lettuce.   

Three weeks ago I dug the last of the Sweet Potatoes which was a roaring success, and right now I am cutting the third batch of Broccoli for the Winter season.   I used two different varieties, one called Winter Harvest and another called Zen.   They are large heavy heads and they taste great!

So, what’s growing in your Winter garden?  What’s grown really well? 

Sweet Potato  - Beauregard

 Share your comments in the blog.

Broccoli - Winter Harvest

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