Sunday 7 September 2014

Only a Ginger can call another Ginger a Ginger.....

Can you handle the heat of fresh Ginger?   The last blog I wrote listed the veggies that I plant in September and October  but I forgot to add Ginger to the list of things that I plant. I have fixed the list and it's time to get ready to plant some.

Plant it in October in a sunny spot in soil that has got a lot of well composted manure in it.  Ginger likes the warmth and humidity of our summers it grows like stink!  In April and May you can start to dig your first fresh Ginger.  Throughout the growing season keep well fed and moist.  I feed with Dynamic Lifter a couple of times in the growing season and also a couple of applications of liquid fertiliser if I think the leaves are yellowing an bit.. 

I started growing Ginger quite by accident.  I left some in the fruit bowl once and I noticed shoots appear because we did not eat it fast enough, so I thought, what the heck and I threw it  into a pot.  It grew without too much effort and I have grown it every year since.  

When harvest time arrives in April/May I dig it and use it fresh.  It is tender so all I do is wash it and use it without peeling it. If there is any still unused in May it gets grated and frozen ready to use any time it's needed.  Great in stir fry, curries, or we have the best Pear and Ginger smoothies money can buy!

A word of warning for the wary - fresh Ginger has twice the kick as supermarket bought stuff!

As to the title of this blog, apologies to Tim Minchin.  Check out his song.

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